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Print & Design

Because we're the expert in Real Estate Flyers, we understand what flyer designs work. So not only can we design your flyer for greatest impact, we can also print your flyers - and in many cases at a lower rate than you're currently paying for your flyers.

Digital/Offset Printing:

By using the state-of-the-art offset printing press as well as full colour digital printers, this enables us to offer you the most competitive pricing and superior quality as well as provide you with quick production times.

The 2 styles of printing utilised by the team at ROC are:

This is ideal for large volume jobs (10,000+), where full coloured printing is required. Through this method we are able to produce more flyers at a higher speed making it more cost effective for you.

This style is preferable for smaller printing jobs (less than 10,000).


Here at ROC, we understand that choosing the right design for your promotional material is important to the success of your campaign. Our team of professional designers and graphic artists are there to assist you throughout the process, working with you to create a design that matches your business and style perfectly.

If you already have a design in mind or pre-designed artwork, we can still work with you to ensure that the dimensions and printing formats are suitable for your advertising prior to printing, to make sure that everything is ready to go for distribution.

There are a number of things to consider throughout this part of the process including colours, sizing, paper thickness and style, so our team can help you by making these decisions as easy as possible.

To enquire about our range of services or to get started, get in touch with our team today! 

Since 2003 we've helped Real Estate Agents grow their profile, promote their brand, and become the market leaders in their area.

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